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The "Mini-Vise": Tite-Reach Extension Clamp

April 22, 2024

The Tite-Reach Extension Clamp has quickly become a customer favorite at Tite-Reach! So much so that through general requests and just overall outlook, we decided to produce three different lengths! Just like with any other tool set you might have (screw driver, socket/ratchet, etc.), it is always handy to have multiple sizes since each job or task you do may require a slightly different option.

With the addition of 2 more lengths of extension clamp came some general updates like jaw height, how far the jaws open, and then some slight knurling on the jaws themselves to increasing holding power. Our extension clamp line continues to be improved on to better meet the end-user's demands.

Even more so than our extension wrench line-up, our extension clamps truly fit almost any industry and/or user. The majority of people we encounter understand the problems these solve and can quickly recollect a situation where they would have found a use for an extension clamp!